new work for TBA (X min)
commissioned by (TBA)
*this work is not yet completed
violin, cello and harp (~10 min)
commissioned by Celebrity Series of Boston
*this work has not yet been completed
for orchestra (~45-50 min)
commissioned by San Francisco Symphony and Philadelphia Orchestra
*this work is not yet completed – it will premiere in 26/27
new work for TBA (X min)
commissioned by (TBA)
*this work is not yet completed
string quartet (~15-20 min)
commissioned for Viano Quartet by Coretet, Schubert Club, Chamber Music Northwest, and Chamber Music Tulsa
*this work has not yet been completed
SATB Chorus, string quartet and piano (~20 min)
new text by Rebecca Gayle Howell
commissioned by Providence Singers
*this work has not yet been completed
youth orchestra with Hindustani classical instruments
*this work has not yet been completed
five arrangements of Indian folksongs for SATB Chorus (~20′)
commissioned by Los Angeles Master Chorale
*this work is not yet completed
Hindustani singer, baroque violin, cello/gamba, traverso and harpsichord (5 mmts; 20 min)
premiered by Tesserae Baroque
*this work is not yet completed
new concerto for harp, percussion and string orchestra (~25 min)
commissioned by Yolanda Kondonassis
*this work is not yet completed
for SATB double choir and horn (4 min)
commissioned by Cathedral Choral Society
for SATB double choir and trombone (4 min)
commissioned by Cathedral Choral Society
a collection of works suitable for community singing
three interstitial movements for SATB double choir and brass ensemble (11 min)
commissioned by Cathedral Choral Society
contralto and piano (4 interstitial songs)
commissioned by Oxford International Song Festival for Jess Dandy and Keval Shah
unaccompanied flute (10 min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Flute New Music Consortium
*this work is not yet premiered
solo guitar, solo bassoon, SSSAA vocal quintet and guitar ensemble (20′)
commissioned by Austin Classical Guitar
guitar ensemble (15 min; 3 mmts)
suite from the larger work Presence
commissioned by Austin Classical Guitar
pedagogical piano pieces – 7 graded pieces (less than a minute each)
commissioned by Oxford University Press for their Piano Time series
soprano, piano trio and flute (20 min)
commissioned by TENET Vocal Artists and Music at Angel Fire
*this work is not yet completed
unaccompanied bassoon (7 min)
student violin/viola/cello and piano (10 min, 3 mmts)
commissioned by Music Institute of Chicago
Grade 4 concert band
Bb Clarinet (5 min; 2 mmts)
for two treble voices – 1 mmts, 4 min
original work commissioned by Southern California Vocal Association / Music Institute of Chicago
new text by Reena Bhansali
version for SATB chorus (4 min)
commissioned by California Choral Directors Association
SSAA chorus (4 min)
commissioned by California Choral Directors Association
SATB chorus and tabla (7 min)
commissioned by Los Angeles Master Chorale
SATB chorus, Hindustani vocalist, tabla and (Western) percussion (45 min)
commissioned by Los Angeles Master Chorale
commissioned by Illinois Wesleyan Choir (5 min)
for trumpet and chamber orchestra
commissioned by Mary Elizabeth Bowden
SATB chorus and sitar (8 min)
commissioned by BBC Singers
2-part treble chorus and piano (with optional sitar) (8 min)
commissioned by BBC Singers for BBC Ten Pieces 2024
three songs for youth chorus (SA, SAB, SATB) – 3 mmts, 10 min
commissioned by Southern California Vocal Association
new text by Reena Bhansali
string quartet (10 min)
commissioned by Greenwood Music Camp
version for soprano, tenor and piano (5 min)
arranged from Hinduism movement of This Love Between Us
for Grade 4 band (10 min, 3 mmts)
commissioned by Mark Duker (Waubonsie Valley High School, Naperville IL) and consortium
for Hindustani violin and orchestra (22 min)
commissioned by Seattle Symphony for Kala Ramnath
SATB chorus (5 min)
original version commissioned by Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC)
soprano and piano trio (5 min)
commissioned by Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC)
soprano and orchestra (7 min)
aria from Say Your Name
commissioned by Amherst College; Arianne Abela, conductor
text by Rebecca Gayle Howell
soprano and piano (7 min)
aria from Say Your Name
commissioned by Amherst College; Arianne Abela, conductor
text by Rebecca Gayle Howell
new cycle for soprano and piano (3 songs, ~12 min)
on couplets of 14c saint-poet Kabir
*this work is partially completed
oboe and piano (10 min)
commissioned by International Double Reed Society
for orchestra (2022)
commissioned by Carnegie Hall Link Up Program
unaccompanied cello (9′)
commissioned by Tippet Rise for Arlen Hlusko
solo soprano, choir and orchestra (~30 min)
commissioned by Amherst College; Arianne Abela, conductor
libretto by Rebecca Gayle Howell
new work for trombone and piano (14 min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Brittany Lasch and consortium
SATB chorus and piano (5 min)
commissioned by Amherst College; Arianne Abela, conductor
text by Rebecca Gayle Howell
soprano, SATB choir and community choir (8 min)
text by Melissa Studdard
soprano, violin and cello (8 min)
commissioned by friends of New Music USA, in honor of Frederick Peters
three carols for SATB choir (12 min)
new text by Rebecca Gayle Howell
miniatures for unaccompanied violin (10 min; 10 mmts)
commissioned by Coretet for Simone Porter
solo harp (5 min)
commissioned by Yolanda Kondonassis for Five Minutes for Earth
two-part treble chorus (4 min)
cello and piano (7′)
commissioned by Yoshi Masuda
*this work has not yet been released
unaccompanied trumpet (1 min)
commissioned by Mary Elizabeth Bowden
two oboes (5 min)
original version for orchestra co-commissioned by Seattle Symphony and BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
orchestra (7 min)
co-commissioned by Seattle Symphony and BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
SATB choir and tabla (9 minutes)
commissioned by Santa Fe Desert Chorale
text by Amy Fogerson
for youth string orchestra (12 min, 4 mmts)
string orchestra version created with Herricks High School Orchestra; Catherine Birke, director
solo piano (4’)
commissioned by Min Kwon
piano solo (10 min; 3 mmts)
additional movements will be added in coming seasons
written for Crystal Rivette
piano solo (5 min; 2 mmts)
additional preludes will be added continuously
Preludes 4 and 5 commissioned by Music Institute of Chicago
written for Crystal Rivette
string quartet, flute, piano and community voices (5 min)
commissioned by Salastina Music Society
solo voice or choir (15 min: 8 mmts)
commissioned by Conspirare
new text by Amy Fogerson
soprano and piano
commissioned by Nirav Kamdar
SATB chorus + community chorus (7 min)
commissioned by Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop, conductor
SATB Chorus and flute (8 min)
poetry of Neelanjana Banerjee
commissioned by Richmond Symphony and Chorus
soprano and chamber orchestra (20 min)
poetry of Linda Hogan
commissioned by Santa Fe Pro Musica, The Knights (Brooklyn), River Oaks Chamber Orchestra (Houston) and Orlando Philharmonic, with soprano Kathryn Mueller
soprano and piano trio (20 min)
poetry of Linda Hogan
commissioned by Santa Fe Pro Musica, The Knights (Brooklyn), River Oaks Chamber Orchestra (Houston) and Orlando Philharmonic, with soprano Kathryn Mueller
string trio for student violinist (approx. Suzuki Grade 3), with violin and viola (12 min, 4 mmts)
commissioned by Scott St. John, Sharon Wei and Julia St. John
version for soprano/mezzo, violin and piano (5 min)
arranged from 5th movement of This Love Between Us
unaccompanied violin (4 min)
commissioned by Americans for the Arts for Vijay Gupta
for violin and tabla (7 mins)
commissioned by Shalini Vijayan, violinist
for solo violin and youth string orchestra (12 mins)
commissioned by ARTSpeaks for Neuqua Valley High School Orchestra
flute and piano (7 min)
co-commissioned by Chamber Music Palisades (Susan Greenberg, flute) and Benjamin Smolen, flute
arrangement of Hindustani bhajan
Hindustani singer and string quartet (4 min)
written for the Shastra Summer Collaborative
violin, cello and piano (31 min; 4 mmts)
commissioned by Joshua Roman for Town Music Seattle
two-part treble choir and piano (2019)
written for the Shastra Summer Collaborative
two Hindustani singers and string quartet (2019)
written for the Shastra Summer Collaborative
two Hindustani singers and piano (2019)
written for the Shastra Summer Collaborative
arrangement of Hindustani bhajan
two Hindustani singers and string quartet (2019)
written for the Shastra Summer Collaborative
for SATB Chorus and orchestra (14 min)
commissioned by Richmond Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
treble choir (8 mins)
commissioned by Classical Movements’ Eric Daniel Helms New Music Program for the San Francisco Girls Chorus
SATB choir (5 mins)
version commissioned by Green Lake Festival of Music
SSAA choir (5 mins)
version commissioned by Green Lake Festival of Music
unaccompanied cello (5 min)
commissioned by Juilliard415 for the Haydn Seven Last Words Project
version for unaccompanied viola (5 min)
original work (for cello) commissioned by Juilliard415 for the Haydn Seven Last Words Project
unaccompanied violin (5 min)
commissioned by Juilliard415 for the Haydn Seven Last Words Project
version for SATB chorus and guitar quartet (6 min)
commissioned by Conspirare; Craig Hella Johnson, conductor
unaccompanied violin (10 min; 2 mmts)
additional movements will be added in coming seasons
commissioned by Vijay Gupta, violinist
youth string orchestra, with optional sitar/tabla parts (3 min)
commissioned by William Annin Middle School, NJ
full orchestra (11 min)
commissioned by Chicago Sinfonietta; revised version for San Francisco Symphony
version for Hindustani singer, soprano and chamber orchestra (21min; 3mmts)
commissioned by Albany Symphony for Saili Oak
for Hindustani singer, soprano and full orchestra (3mmts; 21min)
commissioned by Albany Symphony for Saili Oak
version for 9 voices (SSAATTBBB) and cello (6 min)
commissioned by Golden Bridge Choir; Suzi Digby, conductor
version for 9 voices (SSAATTBBB) and violin (6 min)
commissioned by Golden Bridge Choir; Suzi Digby, conductor
for SATB choir and cello obbligato (6 min)
commissioned by Golden Bridge Choir; Suzi Digby, conductor
for SATB choir and viola obbligato (6 min)
commissioned by Golden Bridge Choir; Suzi Digby, conductor
version for SATB chorus and violin (6 min)
commissioned by Golden Bridge Choir; Suzi Digby, conductor
string quartet (7 min)
commissioned by Brooklyn Rider
solo cello and string orchestra (7 min)
commissioned by Brooklyn Rider
clarinet and orchestra (16min; 2 mmts)
commissioned by Albany Symphony for Shankar Tucker
unaccompanied violin (5 min)
brass quintet (10 mins)
commissioned by Kansas State University Faculty Brass Quintet
violin, cello and piano (8 min)
written for Suzana Bartal
for full orchestra and tabla
string orchestra (with optional harp, glockenspiel and/or tabla)
flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon (9 min)
commissioned by Imani Winds
flute, oboe and piano (9 min)
commissioned by Aglow Trio
chamber orchestra (13 min)
commissioned by American Composers Orchestra
vilambit bandish for Hindustani vocalist (length varies)
commissioned by Payton MacDonald for Sonic Divide Project
version for SATB Chorus (6 min)
commissioned by Lindsay Pope
SATB Chorus and clarinet (7 min)
commissioned by Lindsay Pope
for women’s chorus, string orchestra, flute and harp (25 min, 5 mmts)
versions for small ensemble and selections for SSA+flute also available
commissioned by Lehigh University Choral Arts, Sun Min Lee, conductor
version for women’s chorus, string quintet, flute and harp (25 min, 5 mmts)
commissioned by Lehigh University Choral Arts, Sun Min Lee, conductor
reduced version for women’s chorus and flute (15 min, 3 mmts)
commissioned by Lehigh University Choral Arts, Sun Min Lee, conductor
flute and cello (5 min)
commissioned by Pieces of Eight – Benjamin Larsen and Martha Cargo
flute and viola (5 min)
commissioned by Pieces of Eight – Benjamin Larsen and Martha Cargo
version for violin and bassoon (5 min)
commissioned by Pieces of Eight – Benjamin Larsen and Martha Cargo
version of mmt 5 from I Rise (5 min, 1 mmt)
commissioned by Lehigh University Choral Arts, Sun Min Lee, conductor
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
version for SATB chorus, string orchestra, and community choir and/or audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
version for SATB chorus, string quintet, and community choir and/or audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
version for SATB chorus, piano, and community choir and/or audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
version for SATB chorus, youth string orchestra, and community choir and/or audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
for SATB community singing (2 min)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
version for one singer and piano – singalong with audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
version for unaccompanied violin (2 min)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
version for unaccompanied violin (2 min)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
a unique work designed for musicians and communities to perform together
for SATB choir and community choir and/or audience (length varies)
commissioned by Street Symphony for Urban Voices Project
SATB Chorus (2 min) – also available in SSAA and TTBB
written for Urban Voices Project
for SATB Chorus, baroque orchestra, sitar and tabla
commissioned by Yale Institute of Sacred Music with Juilliard415
version for SSAA Chorus, baroque orchestra, sitar and tabla
SSAA version commissioned by Missouri State University, Erin Plisco, conductor
original SATB version commissioned by Yale Institute of Sacred Music with Juilliard415
for treble chorus, piano, sitar and tabla (4 mins)
original version commissioned by Yale Institute of Sacred Music
for treble chorus, sitar and tabla and string orchestra (4 mins)
original version commissioned by Yale Institute of Sacred Music
version for soprano and piano (10min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Colin Davin for Millenial Music Festival
mezzo-soprano and guitar (10min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Colin Davin for Millenial Music Festival
mezzo-soprano and piano (10min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Colin Davin for Millenial Music Festival
version for soprano and piano (10min; 3 mmts)
commissioned by Colin Davin for Millenial Music Festival
SATB chorus, horn and piano (45 min; 9 mmts)
commissioned by Pasadena Master Chorale
clarinet, violin, cello, piano and tabla (20 min, 3 mmts)
commissioned by SOLI Chamber Ensemble and AtticRep Theater
new version for quartet and Hindustani vocals (ca. 25 mins)
premiered by Salastina Music Society
SSSA chorus (4min)
commissioned by Pasadena Master Chorale
for piano trio (4′)
unaccompanied viola d’amore (7 min)
commissioned by Matthew Dane
for chamber orchestra (13 min)
commissioned by Albany Symphony – Dogs of Desire
movement 3 of Khirkiyaan for brass quintet (3 min)
commissioned by The Brass Project
version for SATB Chorus (3 min)
commissioned by Mount Holyoke Glee Club; Lindsay Pope, conductor
SSA Chorus (3 min)
commissioned by Mount Holyoke Glee Club; Lindsay Pope, conductor
mezzo-soprano, narrator, English horn and piano (12 min)
commissioned by Diana Arterian
cello and piano (11 min)
clarinet and piano (11 min)
version for flute and piano (11 min)
oboe and piano (11 min)
trumpet and piano (11 min)
viola and piano (11 min)
commissioned by MuSE
violin and piano (11 min)
commissioned by MuSE
(19 min)
commissioned by the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival and premiered by the Flux Quartet
solo cello and string quartet (2015)
commissioned by Joshua Roman
for string orchestra (11 mins)
commissioned by River Oaks Chamber Orchestra
for piano solo (7 min)
commissioned by Kimball Gallagher
clarinet, violin, cello and piano (5 min)
premiered by Music from Copland House
trumpet sextet (6 min)
commissioned by the Yale School of Music trumpet studio
string quartet and piano (13 min)
commissioned by Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
unaccompanied bassoon (6 min)
transcribed for flute (6 min)
student violin and piano (10 min, 3 mmts)
commissioned by Cora Cooper, Sleepy Puppy Press
for Hindustani singer and orchestra (12 min)
written for Yale Philharmonia
SSAATTBB chorus (14 min)
premiered by Yale Camerata; Brian Bartoldus, conductor
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (17 min; 2 mmts)
written for Robert Bolyard, conductor for Yale Repertory Orchestra and Alexander Woods, violin
version for alto, violin and piano (5 min)
version for soprano, oboe, English horn and piano (5 min)
soprano, violin and piano (5 min)
version for tenor, cello and piano (5 min)
for flute, viola and harp (7 min)
for SSAA Chorus (4 min)
SATB chorus, clarinet and piano (5 min)
unaccompanied cello (5 min / 10 min)
with film by Heather McCalden
unaccompanied double bass (5 min) — tr. Nina Bernat
oboe and piano (19 min; 3 mmts)
written for Josiane Henry
for soprano and chamber ensemble (18 min; 8 mmts)
for piano solo (10 min)
clarinet and piano (6 min)
for solo piano (1999)
new work for piano quintet and tabla (~15 min)
commissioned by Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
*this work is not yet completed